So, we had packed off our cat a few days ago, and she was probably in a small cage, in a truck. Meanwhile, we had packed up our small suitcases, and had them in our car. I was slumped in the backseat of our smaller car, while my sister and my mom were in the front seats. My dad was in the larger car with more of our suitcases and other random items.

This is basically how the car ride went:

  1. I sat there, saying bye to the state I love
  2. I turned upside down, right side up and sideways, trying to be more comfortable
  3. I slept
  4. And slept
  5. And slept some more
  6. I talked for about 5 minutes
  7. I ate at my first restaurant in Virginia- MACARONI GRILL

By that time, we had reached our new house! The move went pretty well, I have to say…

2 thoughts on “A Move PART TWO

  1. Moving can be so hard! I like how you repeated “I slept, And slept, And slept some more” in numbers 3-5. The repetitiveness makes us realize how long you slept. I’m glad your move went pretty well!

  2. Yes, I agree that a move can be hard and boring, and I also love that you included the part about turning upside down and sideways.

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