Okay, I know that Spring was yesterday, but I just had to finish Sicknesses Pt. 3…

Spring has finally come and has saved my life and gave the flowers life and let me actually go outside without a huge jacket and… longest sentence ever. I love Spring, though. We were all surprised that the snow came in March, and winter was kind of annoying this year. We were all waiting for snow, but it never came. Until. March. Hopefully Spring will be better!

Sicknesses pt. 3

æOkay, I know these sicknesses posts are starting to get long, but just bear with me…

So, my performance was pretty good, but my throat was not afterwards. Unfortunately, we had to stay at the performance placey thingy for a whiillleeeee. Then, during the six hour drive back, I didn’t talk much, but my throats still became WORSE (SERIOUSLY HOW DOES THIS WORK)!!! Anyway, I collapsed on the bed, and have been sick for a while now…

Sicknesses pt. 2

As explained in the previous post, this weird bug is so annoying. I actually happened to catch it at the worst possible moment – before a performance.

Okay, I was just in the car, and I did the most horrible thing ever- I coughed! My dad and sister started panicking, but I told them I’d be fine. I kept talking, and when we had about 1 hour left in our six hour journey, it worsened and became some horrible monster inside my poor throat…

Sicknesses pt. 1

EVERYBODY’S SICK!! No, seriously, everyone with the same bug. I happen to actually have the complete pleasure of having it right now…

It’s a mix of the flu, strep, and a terrible viral infection. Well, that’s what it feels like! Actually, it’s just a common cold… OR IS IT?!?! Yes, it is…

A lot of people have told be the same thing with their sickness. I hope it stops soon…


So, we had packed off our cat a few days ago, and she was probably in a small cage, in a truck. Meanwhile, we had packed up our small suitcases, and had them in our car. I was slumped in the backseat of our smaller car, while my sister and my mom were in the front seats. My dad was in the larger car with more of our suitcases and other random items.

This is basically how the car ride went:

  1. I sat there, saying bye to the state I love
  2. I turned upside down, right side up and sideways, trying to be more comfortable
  3. I slept
  4. And slept
  5. And slept some more
  6. I talked for about 5 minutes
  7. I ate at my first restaurant in Virginia- MACARONI GRILL

By that time, we had reached our new house! The move went pretty well, I have to say…

A Move

Mom: We’ve come to an agreement…

Dad: We’re going to move!!

*My sister and I exchange glanced, then burst out laughing*

Me: Okay, you’re kidding…

Mom: Nope! Pack up immediately and leave!

Okay, that’s kind of how it felt… but that’s not really what happened. Our whole family knew that we were moving states a few months before we actually did. Unfortunately, my parents said that we couldn’t tell anybody about it until about 2 weeks before we moved, so I had to wait. Luckily, the move wasn’t too bad! It went pretty well, actually.


In the middle of nowhere, in the middle of a fight, in the middle of a room, in the middle of a movie…

Well, right now, I am in the middle of the month! It’s March 15 (or the Ides of March), and I’m still doing the SOL (Slice of Life) challenge. I’ve been doing a slice of life for 15 days now, which is pretty cool. So far, I’ve written about many different things, including the ever-changing weather, comments, colors, and now, the middle. There are many different topics to write about, and I’ve chosen those, so for the rest of the month, I might change things up a little bit more!

Someone Came to Visit…

Previously, I had written a post about how our snow vanished. Guess who’s back? It came back with a punch… at least 7 inches! It’s also pi day, so I decided to dedicate my dinner to… you guessed it! Pie! Actually, no, it was a burger… but close enough!

OKAY… back to the snow! It’s mid-March, and we still got snow! I started to get super worried, because in the evening it hadn’t started snowing yet (I was checking the weather like a maniac), but it snowed all throughout the night, so we got quite a few inches!

Haircuts… again

It’s that time of year again. Previously, I had blogged about one of my most HORRIBLE haircuts, which was really bad. Luckily, it has all grown back, and is back to normal. Unfortunately, people have started commenting about the length of my hair (which really isn’t that much), and now my mom wants me to cut it. Not. Happening.

Haircuts are something that I DO NOT look forward to. This is how it goes (as stated in my previous haircut post):

Very nice and patient barber: Open your eyes! I hope you like it!

Me: Um…

Hair cutter: Do you want more bangs? I can fix it up for you!

Me: Um… No thanks.



So that’s how haircuts usually go for me!


If you are looking for some new books to read, I definitely recommend Towers Falling, which is a book based on 9/11. I just finished reading this, and it is a fictional book with characters that almost seem alive. Definitely try that one.

Also, try:

  • The Throne of Glass series
  • The Selection series (I haven’t read this, but many people like it)
  • The False Prince trilogy